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Energy and focus boost
A boost in energy and concentration for the moments you need: working, studying, sports or esports training.

No chemical stimulants
Experience a calm energy without stimulant side effects such as jitters, anxiety, or crashes while staying clean and focused.

Sleep well at night
Improve your energy and focus in the afternoon without affecting your sleep cycle at night.
FeelZing patch is a neurostimulation device
It uses a proprietary waveform to stimulate nerves of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Customers claim a positive effect on their mental health
In a 2019 survey, the following benefits were mentioned by 90% of patches users: greater alertness, attentiveness, and focus, increased motivation and productivity, and reduced mental and physical fatigue.
Thousands of satisfied users

FeelZing is easy to use
1. Clean skin behind the ear
2. Apply the patch
3. Feel 7-minute stimulation
4. Re-wrap patch for 2nd use
5. Focus and energize for next 4 hours
Frequently asked questions
Who can use it?
Anyone over 18, including professionals, students, parents, and athletes. FeelZing is designed to make neurostimulation accessible to all.
What does it feel like?
FeelZing uses a tiny dose of electricity to stimulate the nervous system, but you will feel a noticeable and unique "tingle" or "electric massage".
What are the effects?
Improved alertness, focus, mental clarity, and productivity. Most of our customers also report reduced mental fatigue.