How To Stop Drinking Coffee

How to stop drinking coffee

According to Statista, humans consumed 166.63 million 60 kg bags of coffee from 2012 to 2020.  That is a simply massive amount. Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages globally, and you will rarely miss seeing a coffee shop on every street almost anywhere in the world. 

Although very popular, coffee has its drawbacks. It contains caffeine, a psychoactive compound that can be addictive. 

How much caffeine are you exposed to?

For every 237 milliliters of brewed coffee, a person intakes 96 milligrams of caffeine. Decaf coffee, though, can contain as low as 2 milligrams of caffeine in one cup. As for other types, you will notice that they can have up to 200 milligrams of caffeine in a cup

Tea contains 9 to 110 milligrams of caffeine, while 8 ounces of energy drinks contain fifty to 160 milligrams. Considering that drinking a couple of cups a day is a norm with many people, it is easy to go past the recommended 400-milligram daily caffeine intake

Eventually, you may suffer from caffeine addiction, which has a detrimental effect on the body.  

In this article, we take a closer look at caffeine addiction and check out some tips on how to stop drinking coffee

What Is Caffeine?

Caffeine is a stimulant found in many beverages; chocolate, tea, soda, and coffee. Caffeine stimulates your body, decreases fatigue, and makes you more alert. When tired and sleepy, drinking caffeine increases energy levels, which can get you through a long day. 

Various factors determine the level of caffeine in beverages. They include:

  • The brand
  • Types of coffee beans
  • Preparation method

So, what happens when you stop drinking coffee?

There are a variety of effects of caffeine withdrawal, depending on the individual. When you quit drinking coffee, there is a good chance that you will experience symptoms such as:

  • Headaches - Severe headaches are one of the main symptoms you experience when you quit drinking coffee.
  • Nausea and vomiting- You may feel unsettled or suffer from digestive issues as you continue the withdrawal process.
  • Mood Swings- Anxiety, irritability, and depression are common effects after you quit coffee
  • Foggy mental state - Your brain won't work at optimal levels when you stop drinking coffee. Without caffeine,  your cognitive function is also impaired.
  • Dizziness- If you quit coffee abruptly, you may experience dizziness and lightheadedness. 

The benefits of not drinking coffee

There are plenty of reasons to stop drinking coffee and overcome caffeine addiction. They include:

  • Decreasing anxiety- Drinking too much caffeine can lead to increased anxiety. You can also experience panic attacks, heart palpitations, and nervousness. 
  • Better Rest- Drinking too much coffee can affect your sleep patterns. It can cause insomnia or make you experience drowsiness during the day.
  • Improved nutrient absorption- Caffeine affects the uptake of certain nutrients such as calcium, vitamin B, and iron in your body. 
  • Whiter Teeth- Regular coffee intake stains teeth. Tannins in coffee and tea lead to discoloration of the tooth enamel. 
  • Hormonal balance- Drinking too much caffeine increases estrogen levels in women. Elevated estrogen levels increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. 

Ways To Stop Drinking Coffee

Here are some ways you can stop drinking coffee;

  • Reduce intake - If you are used to drinking one-too-many cups daily, it will help if you reduce these amounts significantly. For instance, if your intake is two cups, reduce it by half. Drinking fewer cups cuts back caffeine levels, reducing withdrawal symptoms and making it easier to quit drinking coffee. 
  • Replace with Decaf - If you like coffee because of the warmth it brings and not the caffeine, decaf coffee will suit you just fine.
  • Get adequate rest - People who run back to coffee for energy are often tired and sleep deficient. Getting enough sleep ensures you use your natural energy to function throughout the day. 

Other tips for quitting caffeine

One of the best ways to quit caffeine addiction is to substitute coffee with something else. 

Once you reduce your coffee intake to the absolute minimum, it is time to switch. You can stay away from caffeine by using FeelZing instead. 

How can FeelZing help you quit?

Do you need an energy boost for your daily activities and quit caffeine? FeelZing is a patch, a portable device that can help you to remain productive without the need for coffee. It enhances your focus and energy through neurostimulation. The patch is placed behind the ear and sends electrical pulses to the nervous system, causing the body to be calm and alert. People start noticing its effects immediately after the stimulation, which lasts for about four hours.

FeelZing can help you quit drinking coffee by providing you with a similar energy boost, without needing to rely on caffeine. It can improve alertness, concentration, and focus – everything you need to remain peppy and energetic even while drawing down your coffee intake.

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Can You Replace Coffee with Another Beverage?

One of the best ways to quit coffee is to replace it with another beverage. Beverages such as matcha green tea, protein shakes, smoothies, herbal tea, roasted cocoa beans are other coffee substitutes. Matcha tea has low levels of caffeine compared to coffee. It also has other benefits since it is an excellent source of L-theanine. L-theanine is an amino acid that decreases stress and regulars blood sugars. It also boosts energy and improves mood. 

Roasted cocoa beans are also a great choice because they have no sugar, fat, or caffeine. However, it is great for coffee drinkers because it contains the smoky and warm flavor that coffee gives you. As such, drinking roasted cocoa beans can help you quit coffee gradually.

Final Word

Caffeine is unhealthy for your body and can have detrimental effects. The good news is that many people have managed to quit caffeine. By following the tips mentioned above, you will be one step closer to quitting coffee. However, strong withdrawal side effects may necessitate consultations with a medical professional.

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