The Issue of Brain Fog: How to Identify and Overcome It

You may feel fuzzy, forget things or have trouble concentrating after a sleepless night, a long flight, or after taking medication that can have an affect on your thinking. In these cases, you need to restore your body a bit to get back to normal.
However, if you notice that this experience happens regularly without much reason, you need to take some measures to alleviate the problem.
What Is Brain Fog?
Brain Fog is a specific state which causes you to lose focus and feel distracted for periods of time. It is not a medical term, just a condition people feel through a combination of factors.
What does brain fog feel like?
You need to distinguish brain fog from standard tiredness as brain fog may indicate high inflammation on a cellular level and hormonal changes that could be affecting your mood and ability to concentrate.
This can also lead to diabetes, weight problems and menstrual dysfunction.
Brain Fog Symptoms
Brain fog affects your cognitive functions and may cause you to feel the following symptoms:
inability to focus
mental exhaustion
lack of mental clarity
mood swings
slight depression
lack of motivation
There is no brain fog test, but if you notice the symptoms starting to become repetitive than it is very important to take this seriously and find the cause.
Causes of Brain Fog
Brain fog is caused by a range of reasons. It means you could be stressed and/or your hormones are not in balance and the reasons for this might include:
decrease of blood flow to the brain
no physical activity
insufficient sleep
lack of vitamins and minerals
pollutants and toxins
radiation from gadgets
viral infections (including Covid-19 that causes covid brain fog)
There’s no specific brain fog treatment as it is not a disease. Also, it’s impossible to clear brain fog instantly. But further we will share some of the methods you can implement to strengthen your mental health and get over brain fog.
How to Get Rid of Brain Fog
You can get rid of brain fog anxiety by following our simple tips aimed at improving your well being and lifestyle:
1. Take mental breaks
You don’t have to constantly consume information and get worried about everything all the time. you do, you’ll feel exhausted fast.
So, in order to avoid brain fog and fatigue it’s important to take some mental breaks.
2. Get enough sleep
Sleep is essential for our physical and mental health, so in order to think clearly and keep our mind sharp we need to make sure we get enough sleep.
Try to follow a fixed schedule: go to bed and wake up at a certain time to ensure that your overall sleep duration is not less than 7 hours. Avoid using electronics before bedtime for good quality sleep.
3. Try FeelZing
Use the FeelZing neurostimulation patch to stay alert and get extra energy in a safe way. The patch won’t affect your mood and sleep even if used in the afternoon.
Slight neurostimulation is effective and has no side effects, like anxiety and jitters. That’s crucial especially when you fight with a brain fog because the FeelZing patch clears your mind, giving you calm energy and focus.
4. Participate in social activities
Social activities will help you improve your memory and improve your mood. When we communicate with others and accomplish tasks together, we sharpen our thinking.
5. Try new things
Neural pathways are developed when we do something new and communicate with new people. When our neurons connect with each our cognitive functions improve and we get more norepinephrine - a natural brain stimulant.
6. Avoid multitasking
Sometimes multitasking is great but in the end it is still exhausting and better be avoided. It might cause stress and decrease your productivity, so it is better to focus on one task at a time rather than jump from one thing to another.
7. Exercise regularly
It gives our mind a boost and helps us to stay focused. It doesn’t mean you should train hard everyday. A 15-minute exercise in the morning, going for a light jog or walking during the day, may be a good start to improve your mental activity.
8. Avoid alcohol and drugs
Avoid drugs and alcohol because they affect your health in a negative way and only decrease the ability to think clearly. Though it may seem that they give you energy and help you relax, they actually cause damage to your brain.
9. Follow a healthy diet
Diet doesn’t mean a lack of nutrients, it means balanced meals full of minerals and vitamins for brain fog to keep your mood up and stay healthy. Follow a healthy meal plan on a regular basis and you will notice how your cognitive functions improve.
Try a Mediterranean diet as it is considered to be one of the best for this.
Brain fog could be a long-term state caused by a complex set of factors, not just casual changes in your lifestyle. There are also many cases when brain fog appears to be one of the consequences of Covid-19 and of the pandemic in general, particularly because of stress and isolation.
A constant state of a troubled mind affects your life adversely, slows down reactions and keeps you from making important decisions. But its main danger is that it may significantly lower your quality of life, cause depression and other serious diseases.
Moreover, people may experience low self-esteem and start disliking themselves, which can lead to even greater problems down the road.
If you are constantly sluggish and can’t think clearly, you should consult your physician, find the reason and change your lifestyle to improve your mental health and start living a better life.