A Real Challenge for the Modern World: How to Be More Productive
Productivity has always been an integral part of success in human life. Without this quality, a person is unable to move forward in accomplishing tasks they are committed to.
Of course, each person has their own talents and skills that help them accomplish their goals successfully. There are, however, still some who give up working on themselves regularly.
The modern world dictates that there are many things to do, issues to solve, and changes to accept.
People have become so busy and stressed out with the multitude of tasks, apps and other daily distractions that emerge everyday with no sign of ever letting up.
There are various off-putting factors and other difficulties that can lead to worsening concentration at work.
So people became challenged at their offices with the question “How to be more productive?”. This phenomenon has become a real challenge for the modern world today.
How to Be More Productive and Focused at Work
How a person lives their life plays an essential role in maximizing their productivity and efficiency at work.
Every day starts with a to-do list, with tasks ranging from simple to complicated. With each day comes new tasks and goals, we all know every day is different when it comes to productivity.
For example, you’ve been tasked to organize an important event urgently, or the task you did yesterday requires some extra editing or complementation, and so forth.
This is life, and you don’t know what to expect ahead of time. So, you should be flexible and be able to focus on your duties to keep being productive at work.
But how can you achieve this when there is still so much to get done? When you feel overwhelmed and confused with prioritizing tasks we often ask ourselves how to be more productive.
The ability to overcome hardships and manage your schedule properly is in great demand and extremely helpful in everyday life. But we are humans, and we get physical and mental fatigue when working intensely and monotonously for a long time. We often sacrifice vital elements like health and regular sleep, making time for ourselves, or taking a break from everything.
Being more productive does not mean getting things done faster. On the contrary, it requires you to work on yourself first and cultivate essential habits to be capable of differentiating and allocating tasks correctly.
Insights on Increasing Your Productivity
There are different ways to be productive, but not all of them seem easy to follow at first glance. They need to be done on a regular basis. However, if you stick to them, there will come a point when you will need to take stock and decide which work for you and which don’t.
Most productive people are successful by using a range of habits they’ve learned over time and by continuing to maintain them. The most significant ones are listed below, and we believe they will help you with managing work and understanding how to become more productive.
Tackle your challenging tasks before lunch
All tasks are important at work, but they can differ from each other by their complexity. In addition, our brain and entire body function better in the first part of the day after waking up and having a nourishing breakfast.
So, it is advisable to determine the most challenging tasks and resolve them before lunchtime when your body is more alert.
Create a system
As a worker, you are at your >most productive when tracking your goals and checking them off as soon as they are achieved. It allows you to create a systemized approach with achievable points to complete and results to analyze represented in a dashboard.
Also, it can be a good reminder for you whether you are meeting deadlines and what the next goals are. Using a dashboard will be helpful not only for you in person but for the departmental team you work with to keep track of progress on projects.
Manage your energy
Management of oneself is an integral part of reaching productivity. While you have the energy to tackle a complicated task, you can handle it in less time than usual. But when you get exhausted, your timing, as well as thinking, are slower thus decreasing your productivity.
In this case, the solution could be to use a FeelZing patch that helps boost your energy and stay productive for about 4 hours. It is as simple as sticking it behind your ear and focusing on your tasks. You will feel pleasant tingles and energy flow that enable you to solve the most intricate assignments.
Break tasks into smaller pieces
When your to-do list is overwhelming and you don’t know where to start, it is preferable to divide it into pieces. It is easier to work with the task point-by-point, which will save you time as well as energy.
Thus, turning your bigger tasks into manageable chunks will help you clearly understand the steps to follow and be productive to accomplish them.
Don’t multitask
Multitasking is not a bad thing when you need to cope with several simple tasks in the short term, but this can’t be done all the time. When it comes to mental activity, it is pretty hard to handle multiple tasks almost simultaneously.
You will need to switch your attention solely on a new task which is time- and energy-consuming to dive into. Accordingly, this leads to lower productivity, so it’s better to avoid multitasking.
Take breaks

Even highly productive people cannot stay focused during every working minute of the day. It is tedious and might result in burn-out or fatigue.
That is why taking breaks is a necessity to restore your energy and let your brain relax. Therefore, it is smart to take a 5 to 10-minute break after every 2 hours of work.
Focus on one goal at a time
Once you get a to-do list, you should prioritize tasks by deadline and complexity. Then, concentrate on one goal at a time and avoid distractions.
You will hopefully complete your task efficiently and stay proactive enough to switch to other tasks by doing this.
Turn off phone notifications
Maximizing productivity also means reducing distractions that worsen concentration. For example, phone notifications are incredibly distracting, especially when trying to concentrate on a very serious task.
In this case, it is better to turn off all notifications for social media activities and anything else that might cause you to check your device.
Find little ways to add fun
Interrupting the monotony of work with activities like taking a stroll, going to the gym, doing simple exercises regularly - will only positively affect your spirit and general health.
It will make you feel more productive and capable of coming up with new ideas to cope with your tasks. Be careful not to go overboard and become overly fixated on things you are using to ease the flow of tasks.
Reward yourself
Nothing can raise your spirits like rewarding yourself. When taking a break, you can do the things you enjoy: having a delicious croissant, chatting with your friend on a coffee break, or reading an engaging book.
Rewarding yourself will increase your ability to manage your workload.
Leave open time in your schedule
Being more productive does not mean working 8 hours straight. On the contrary, it is a good idea to leave gaps in your schedule for other possible unexpected things.
It will help you manage your new tasks on time and keep up with the other ones.
Manage your sleep cycle
Your productivity is directly related to the quality of sleep you are getting. If you get enough sleep every day, you are able to overcome work-related obstacles and manage the most complicated tasks.
Conversely, if you undersleep regularly, it will impact your capability to be productive. Make sure you get enough rest at night, so your body gains energy for a new challenging day.
There are no absolute solutions to becoming more productive that will work with 100% certainty. But there are helpful habits to cultivate and apply in your working routine to increase your level of productivity.
We believe that by sticking to the tips mentioned above, you will reach your goal of maximizing your productivity by using them in a complex and persistent way.